Temporary Laundry in a Mobile Laundry unit

The Mobile Unit is a  portable facility that offers a comfortable and convenient way to launder your linens ensuring they are fresh and clean on the move.  Furthermore, the unit will be delivered to you on site as a suitable and easy way for you to clean your sheets and towels wherever, whenever.

The unit is light weight, easy to move but most importantly saves both time and money hiring hi-ab vehicles to lift and place the unit. Even more, it is so good it can be set up and used with immediate effect offering the perfect solution whether you are renovating your own laundry in a care home; or working on a short or long term project within the building industry, our portable unit is so versatile it will certainly suit any situation.

For instance, we have supplied our mobile laundry unit to various care homes, due to fire damage in their own laundry, similarly we have catered for builders working on long term projects providing onsite washing facilities for their clothes and bed linens. Try our mobile laundry unit, its the perfect temporary solution.

Inviting all Production Companies- On Set Filming- on site laundry !

With experience, It's clear the Mobile Laundry unit is a great resolution to cleaning stage costumes and all cast and crew laundry in remote and isolated locations. Previously, the unit has been a big hit with many productions companies, giving freedom to move the laundry unit to new locations where ever the "action" is happening.  Minimum hire period is 4 days.

Take a look inside the mobile laundry unit-

Temporary Laundry Solutions Video

Services and Requirements

The stand alone laundry comes complete with a professionally fitted laundry system, including both washing and tumble drying facilities under one roof; Above all, It has been specifically chosen for ease of use and is certainly able to withstand heavy duty use.

Extensive fitted equipment list comes as standard, including:

  • 4 x 24lb (11kg) Hotpoint Washing Machines. A*** (Trade A)
  • 4 x 17lb (8kg) Electric Tumble Dryers. A*** (Rate)

(Can be adapted up to 8 Washing Machines or 8 Tumble Dryers.)

** Due to electrical AMP capacity the Temporary Laundry will hold a maximum of 8 machines.

Temporary Laundry in a Mobile Laundry unit Bermondsey Table Cloth Hire London

We have 8 available laundry units for hire, however some may vary in size, but still contain 4 washers and 4 tumble dryers. All of these can be hired on both a short and long term basis. Pricing is POA.  Hire price is individual to each customer depending on length of hire period. Please note that we will offer reduced rates if the mobile laundry unit is hired over a long period of time. Require a full quotation please email: stacy@1stclasslinen.co.uk or contact 01268 691222.

Even more, we will deliver the the temporary laundry all over the UK, Scotland and Wales. Delivery prices will be confirmed within the quotation.

Back Up Services

  • 24hr Support service
  • Guaranteed next day Engineer
  • Spare Machines are couriered by our Engineers, for that reason we can guarantee next day machine replacement.
Temporary Laundry in a Mobile Laundry unit Bermondsey Table Cloth Hire London
Temporary Laundry in a Mobile Laundry unit Bermondsey Table Cloth Hire London

Electrical Requirements:

  • 2 x 32 AMP single phase supply (commando) (to run all washers and dryers)

Onsite Location

It is important that when delivering the Unit to site, your location is correct!  Ensuring that both electrical point and Water Mains are able to reach and connect to the Temporary Laundry Unit.  Connecting the water is as simple as a hose pipe.


Water In Requirements

  • 1 X 22ml feed in
  • 1.5 to 6 bar pressure

Keep things running smoothly, abide the rules and keep to the  recommended requirements.

Temporary Laundry in a Mobile Laundry unit Bermondsey Table Cloth Hire London

Onsite Temporary Laundry layout

External Dimensions

Length 5.7m (including axle 7.5m)

Width 2.3m
Height 2.9m
Weight 2.2 tonne

Temporary Laundry in a Mobile Laundry unit Bermondsey Table Cloth Hire London

 Internal Dimensions

Room 1 (Wash Room)
Length 2.7m
Width 2.1m
Height 2.2m

Room 2 (Drying Room)
Length 2.7m
Width 2.1m
Height 2.2m

Health and Safety Features

• Hygienic non-slip safety flooring
• 2 x Door ventilation
• Easy wipe walls and floors
• 1 x Extractor

General Features

• Electrical points supplied with commando plugs and sockets
• Solid core structure
• Easy wipe down surface


Approximate Capacity

• 80   Bath Towels
• 120 Hand Towels
• 30   Double Sheets
• 40   Single Sheets
Amounts listed above may vary depending on material type. Each dryer will take one machine load

Event & Sites

Our Unit is a complete and fully functioning Temporary Laundry, hence it can be used on a vast variety of sites and events. Including:

  • Tv and Filming Sets
  • Nursing Homes
  • Renovating or repairing own laundry
  • Building sites
  • Hospitals
  • Prisons
  • One off event hire
  • Festivals
  • Glamping

Likewise, there are endless possibilities for its use. For simplicity the Mobile Laundry Trailer is delivered on site to you using our Commercial Laundry Van; Above all, when planning you must check your access route carefully, allowing plenty of room for delivery including any width or height restrictions.

Most importantly the Unit must be sited on firm level ground such as tarmac or concrete as this allows for the trailer legs to be secured and it keeps the machines inside level for maximum water pressure to each machine. Where ground is unsuitable, it is recommended to lay timbers or put appropriate temporary foundations down for delivery and for the trailer to stand on.

If you would like to know more about our Temporary Laundry Facility please do not hesitate to contact us by Email stacy@1stclasslinen.co.uk or by phone on 01268 691222